Let's Lean Into Accountability

Let’s lean into accountability. Solid accountability is one of the most important markers of any successful company, employee, or leader. If that’s not clear enough, allow me to say it another way. The LACK of solid accountability is a surefire indicator of a business that is not reaching its potential and a leader who is pulling their hair out daily.

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Warren Zeiser
Courageous Conversations

If I had a nickel for every time a client told me they were repeatedly frustrated with an employee, I’d have a whole lot of nickels. Here’s what gets me. Most entrepreneurs and leaders got where they are, due in part to their high-level of courage. Yet, when it comes to having courageous, and even tough conversations with members of their team, they avoid it like the plague.

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Warren Zeiser
Let's Keep it Simple

Why do we make running a business more difficult than it has to be? I’m not saying that running a business is easy. It’s not. That said, so often I find business leaders make running a company more difficult than it should be. I’ve run several companies throughout my career, and I can tell you that one of my main keys to success has been simplicity.

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Warren Zeiser